Thursday, June 23, 2011

Open up Small Living Spaces with Mirrors

By: Dawn Monclova

Living or working in a small space can feel a little cloister phobic, but they're many ways to expand the size of your small living space and give it an open feel without having to move or break down any walls. 

Mirrors can quickly and easily double your space and add depth, width, light and style to any area in your home, apartment or office. Mirrors are functional and decorative elements of illusion and even bring the outside in when placed in the right place.

What you need:
All Mirrors
Large Floor Mirrors
Tile Mirrors
Door Mirrors
Hanging Wall Mirrors
Decorative Fancy/Funky  Mirrors
Antique Mirrors
Marcello Full Floor Rustic Mirror 
When adding mirrors to your space, remember that you don't have to add them to the entire wall. You can get the same effect by placing appropriate sized mirrors strategically around the room to open it up and let in the light. There are several varieties and styles of mirrors to choose from. Choose a style and size that suits your space and taste. One of the best places to add mirrors are opposite windows because it brings the outside indoors, giving the room added depth, natural sunlight and some additional windows.

To add style and dimension to your living or dining room, create a collage of different size mirrors on your wall behind the couch, over the fireplace or on the opposite side of your seating area; use it as your art work. You can also use a large decorative floor mirror on the opposite side of your seating area to capture the entire room and double the space. To bring length to your hallway, place mirrors on the wall opposite your entrance; whenever you enter you'll feel a sense of depth and openness(all of your decorations will also double).

Use large decorative mirrors in your foyer for added light and dimension. To add width to your staircase, place mirrors on the walls going up the stairs(staggering the mirrors on each side creates a designer look). To add width to your office space, place a wall of mirrors on a side wall, or on the wall opposite the entrance to double the room size. Mirror tiles can be added to the inside back of bookshelves, entertainment centers and glass cabinets to double your books, decorative accessories, china and collectibles.

 Reflective Gaze Hand Mirror Wall Sculpture 

Placing large door mirrors on the doors in or outside your bedroom, hallway and bathroom gives the surrounding areas added dimension and light. Large mirrors behind your bed head or on the side walls of your bedroom will expand your room size. Using mirrors behind your bar, as a back splash, or on the bottom of your kitchen island lightens up those areas, adds a great design element, and reflects the surrounding décor.

Creative tips:
For a unique designer look on a budget, purchase several of those inexpensive long closet-door mirrors sold at large department stores (re-paint the trim if you choose; brown, black or white finish looks great) and place them side by side on top & bottom of each other to create large faux (fake) loft-like windows (you can even add drapes to create an authentic look). These mirrors can be used in any room to add style and open up many different spaces.

Mirrors have many uses and can also be used for coffee table tops, trays, place mats, table runner, etc. Make sure the space you're reflecting is worth reflecting because you'll have a double view of the space. Keep your clutter to a minimum.

20" Shabby Chic Wood Arched-Top Wall Mirror

 Be creative; don't be afraid that using mirrors will make your place look tacky, give yourself "decorative credit." If used correctly, mirrors can be a stunning way to expand your small space.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Decorate your Home with Faux Tin Tiles

By: Dawn Monclova

Ceiling Tile - Faux Like Tin -
Anet Antique Copper Graphite 20x20"
Decorating with faux tin tiles can instantly and elegantly transform your living space with little to no effort.

Faux tin tiles and backsplash rolls are easy to install, easy to maintain, look like traditional tin tiles, and is an inexpensive alternative to metal. They're made of PVC material and sold in a variety of embossed ornate textures, effects, finishes and colors. It can be installed onto any hard surface with a good quality adhesive, and can be easily cut to fit any area inside or outside your home.

Faux tin tiles are a quick fix, and can be glued to sheetrock, wood panels, stone, tile, glass, or hard plastics (use the correct adhesive for each area). Search online or go to any home improvement center to find faux tin tiles and backsplash rolls.

Follow the quick & easy decorating ideas to instantly add value and style to your home:
Things you'll need:
  •  Faux Tin Tiles
  • Bonding Adhesive
  • Scissors
  • Measuring Tape

Faux Tin Tiles for Kitchen Back Splash;
Bars & Ceilings.
Kitchen Backsplash:
Placing faux tin tile or backsplash rolls to your backsplash adds a great designer touch to your kitchen. Simply measure, cut, and glue the tin tiles/roll directly to your drywall or over your old tiles. Choose a finish and/or color that complement the rest of your décor.

Kitchen Island/Bar:
Adding faux tin tiles (or backsplash rolls) to the bottom area of your Kitchen Island or bar is a great way to show it off. The tin can also be glued to the top of your bar or island; you can place a clear glass covering over it for a smooth surface.
Cover up ugly ceilings with faux tin tiles or replace your drop ceiling tiles with tin tiles. For regular ceilings, glue the faux tin directly onto your ceiling. For drop ceiling, replace the old ceiling tiles with tin tiles that fit into your drop ceiling (for a uniform look, paint the drop ceiling grid to match the tin tile). You can also glue tin tiles directly onto your drop ceiling tile and trim accordingly; make sure you paint any off color area to match.

Wall Art:
There's a variety of faux tin styles, designs, colors and textures to choose from; use it to create an original piece of art to hang in your home. Glue tin panels/rolls to cut wood boards or on stretched canvas and hang; it's an easy and cheap way to create an expensive looking piece. Another great idea is to place a tile inside a large picture frame and hang anywhere (hallways, bedrooms, bathrooms, living & dining room, etc).

Table Tops/Trays:
Faux tin tiles or backsplash rolls are excellent for coffee tables tops. If you have an old coffee table that you want to spruce up, glue tin tile (or rolls) to the top for an instant "WOW." If you want a smooth surface, add a piece of glass over the tile. Don't limit yourself to table tops; you can add tin tiles to shelves, side tables and wood trays. You can also create your own trays with cut pieces of wood. Glue on the tin tiles (or rolls) and use cabinet door handles on each side (top) for handles.
Floor Screens/Doors:
Floor screens are functional and striking pieces of furniture that add dimension and style to any space. To create your own, glue faux tin tiles or backsplash rolls to a plain floor screen or a Shoji screen; the squares in a Shoji screen is a perfect place to glue cut tin tiles.
Add tin tiles to your doors to add a decorative touch to your entrance (front door, back door, closet door, etc. - use appropriate glue for outdoor).

Wallpaper Old Fashion Classic
Tin Ceiling Tile Look Faux Verdigris Green Copper
Stair Risers:
This is a really excellent way to jazz up your staircase in a big way. Many people don't think about their stair risers as a place to decorate, but it can showcase your home. Measure, cut and glue the tin tiles (or rolls) onto wood stair raisers and get a million dollar look!
* For a dramatic look, faux tin tiles can be added up the staircase walls. They can also be added to any walls in you home to create a retro contemporary look.

Bedroom Headboard:
Your bedroom or guest room will look stunning with a headboard made out of faux tin tiles (or rolls). You can use your current headboard; glue the tiles directly onto the wall; or purchase an inexpensive headboard and glue the tin onto it. You can also make your own headboard with cut wood; cut a large piece of wood, paint the edges to match the tile then glue on the tin tiles or backsplash rolls onto the wood - instant headboard.
Bathroom Walls:
Add a designer touch to your bathroom by placing faux tin tiles to your bathroom walls (behind the sink/toilet area). Tin tiles can also be placed directly over old tile or wainscoting (use correct glue).

Customize your Simple Window Roller Shade

By: Dawn Monclova

Roller shades can be an excellent way to bring affordable style  and flair to your windows with supplies you can pick up at your local arts and crafts store.

Use your roller shade as a blank canvas to add a variety of funky effects to glam-up your windows. Choose your favorite color (water-based) paint, or add a water-based wood stain as your base color, then use stencils, stamps, wood graining tools, rags (for a faux finish look), or just paint a masterpiece directly onto your shade. 

Embellish the bottom with decorative trims, tassels and ribbons to complete your designer look. The simple instructions below will help you to quickly achieve an interesting and decorative focal point in your home without breaking the bank.

Window Shade Size: 37" W x 66" H
Things you need:
  • Roller Shade (plain)
  • Water-based paint and/or water-based wood stain or acrylic paints.
  • Paint brushes
  • Stencils, rubber stamps, wood graining tool, sponge or rags
  • Decorative trim (tassels, ribbons, etc.)
  • Hot Glue gun (use low temperature glue sticks)
      Check-out your local arts and crafts store or go online to find acrylic paints, stencils, stencil supplies, rubber stamps, decorative shade pulls/trims, and any other items you will need for this project. Go to your home improvement store to purchase simple roller shades (remember to measure your windows if you're buying new shades), and flat water-based paint (choose colors that coordinate and compliment your room décor) and/or water-based wood stain for a natural rustic look.

    Take down or open up your roller shade and roll it all the way out (do not pull it off roller dowel at the top of the shade) onto a flat surface. Paint the entire front of the shade in the color or stain you like (you can also choose to leave the shade in the base color) and allow the paint dry thoroughly.

    After paint is dry, use your decorative tools (acrylic paints, stencils, stamps, etc.) and start decorating your shade. Allow the acrylic paint to dry, then add decorative trim and/or pulls to the bottom of the shade to complete your custom design.

    To add trim to the bottom of shade, measure width of shade and cut trim to size. Use your low temperature hot glue (check craft store) to run a line or two on the bottom edge width of the shade then quickly press on the trim.

    Roll the shade back up and place it into window shade brackets. Your new custom designer shade is now ready to show off.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Attract Wealth using Feng Shui Money Cures in your Home

By: Dawn Monclova

The Western Guide to Feng Shui: Creating Balance, Harmony, and Prosperity in Your Environment is an ancient Chinese practice of arranging objects within your surroundings to bring harmony and balance to every sector of your life. The Feng Shui money cures are used to attract wealth and abundance, which also means a positive balance between family, friends and health.

The Bagua Map (as shown- enlarge & print or create your own) is used to pinpoint the Feng Shui sectors in your home or business: wealth, knowledge, helpful people, family, career, fame, children/creativity and marriage. It's used to determine how energy flows within a defined space. Each direction and sector corresponds to different aspects of your life. The auspicious Feng Shui money cures listed in the steps below should help bring about positive financial changes. Search online for Feng Shui items.

To use the Bagua Map (use this simplified version), stand at the entrance of your home or room (facing in) and hold the map with the career, knowledge and helpful people sectors closest to you. The Bagua is always positioned so that the entrance door to your home or room is always along one of the three bottom areas of the Bagua (career, knowledge or helpful people), therefore, you will be entering from either one of these three sectors.

Three-Legged Money Frog

To bring wealth and good luck into your home, place the Three-Legged Money Frog diagonally opposite the entrance door; it can be placed on an entrance table facing inward as though it's coming in. Never place the frog in your bathroom.

Three Chinese Coins
To attract personal and business wealth, and to encourage a never ending source of income, use Three Chinese Coins (tied with red ribbon, cord or string) as a lucky charm by placing it in your wallet, purse, briefcase or handbag to activate and attract personal money luck. To bring that money luck into your home or office hang the coins or your door knob to bring prosperity to all its occupants. To attract business, active projects and stimulate money flow, place the coins in your office files, checkbook and sales/order/agenda book. Three is a lucky number and symbolizes heaven, earth and humanity.

Feng Shui- Arowana Fish
(Dragon Fish)
To attract an abundance of riches, place an Arowana Fish (Dragon Fish) on your work desk to increase wealth luck, multiply sources of income opportunities and bring career success and pay raises. This powerful symbol of prosperity, wealth, strength and power can also be kept in North, East or South eastern sector of your home or office. The Arowana Fish is a potent symbol that is believed to drive away evil spirits and bad luck.

Feng Shui- Faceted Crystal Ball
To activate good chi (positive) energy in any space, hang Faceted Crystal Balls in windows or stagnant and dark areas of your home and office to help achieve desired results and bring in positive energy from outdoors.

Place a faceted diamond crystal paperweight on top of your accounts receivable, contact list, or any papers related to incoming funds to increase wealth. DO NOT place the paperweight on your bill pile, as this will decrease your money by sending it out.

Feng Shui- Citrine Crystals

You can also collect Citrine Crystals and put inside your wallet or purse to attract wealth and fortune.

Place a Jade Plant and/or a Money Tree plant in your home and/or office to attract money and good luck, especially when placed in the career sector of your home or office. The five leaves on the money tree symbolize the five Feng Shui elements of wood, water, fire, metal, and earth.

Feng Shui-
Table-top Fountain

To bring in cash flow, place a Table Fountain in the career sector of your home or office. Wood or bamboo fountains are especially auspicious.

Feng Shui Dragon
Be blessed by the good fortune that comes with the Feng Shui dragon and enjoy prosperity, power, goodness, transformation and good health. Place the dragon (with a pearl in hand -- wood type) on the right hand side of your desk facing towards the window or the door. Dragons symbolize the masculine energy, "Yang" and are a source of activity and creativity. *The dragon can also be placed on your desk, looking into a table fountain.

Feng Shui- Laughing Buddha 

To enhance your life with blessings, harmony, happiness, health, longevity, prosperity, success and financial gains, place a Laughing Buddha on a table at your entrance facing the main door, or place it on a table in your living room, family room or office. The Laughing Buddha is considered as a deity of abundance. *Don't place in the bathroom or kitchen.

*To draw money and many good things into your life, place Green Jade Stones into your mail box to attract success and many lucky opportunities.

*To symbolize a river of opportunities flowing into your home or business, put a Black or Blue Rug at your front door.