Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Attract Wealth using Feng Shui Money Cures in your Home

By: Dawn Monclova

The Western Guide to Feng Shui: Creating Balance, Harmony, and Prosperity in Your Environment is an ancient Chinese practice of arranging objects within your surroundings to bring harmony and balance to every sector of your life. The Feng Shui money cures are used to attract wealth and abundance, which also means a positive balance between family, friends and health.

The Bagua Map (as shown- enlarge & print or create your own) is used to pinpoint the Feng Shui sectors in your home or business: wealth, knowledge, helpful people, family, career, fame, children/creativity and marriage. It's used to determine how energy flows within a defined space. Each direction and sector corresponds to different aspects of your life. The auspicious Feng Shui money cures listed in the steps below should help bring about positive financial changes. Search online for Feng Shui items.

To use the Bagua Map (use this simplified version), stand at the entrance of your home or room (facing in) and hold the map with the career, knowledge and helpful people sectors closest to you. The Bagua is always positioned so that the entrance door to your home or room is always along one of the three bottom areas of the Bagua (career, knowledge or helpful people), therefore, you will be entering from either one of these three sectors.

Three-Legged Money Frog

To bring wealth and good luck into your home, place the Three-Legged Money Frog diagonally opposite the entrance door; it can be placed on an entrance table facing inward as though it's coming in. Never place the frog in your bathroom.

Three Chinese Coins
To attract personal and business wealth, and to encourage a never ending source of income, use Three Chinese Coins (tied with red ribbon, cord or string) as a lucky charm by placing it in your wallet, purse, briefcase or handbag to activate and attract personal money luck. To bring that money luck into your home or office hang the coins or your door knob to bring prosperity to all its occupants. To attract business, active projects and stimulate money flow, place the coins in your office files, checkbook and sales/order/agenda book. Three is a lucky number and symbolizes heaven, earth and humanity.

Feng Shui- Arowana Fish
(Dragon Fish)
To attract an abundance of riches, place an Arowana Fish (Dragon Fish) on your work desk to increase wealth luck, multiply sources of income opportunities and bring career success and pay raises. This powerful symbol of prosperity, wealth, strength and power can also be kept in North, East or South eastern sector of your home or office. The Arowana Fish is a potent symbol that is believed to drive away evil spirits and bad luck.

Feng Shui- Faceted Crystal Ball
To activate good chi (positive) energy in any space, hang Faceted Crystal Balls in windows or stagnant and dark areas of your home and office to help achieve desired results and bring in positive energy from outdoors.

Place a faceted diamond crystal paperweight on top of your accounts receivable, contact list, or any papers related to incoming funds to increase wealth. DO NOT place the paperweight on your bill pile, as this will decrease your money by sending it out.

Feng Shui- Citrine Crystals

You can also collect Citrine Crystals and put inside your wallet or purse to attract wealth and fortune.

Place a Jade Plant and/or a Money Tree plant in your home and/or office to attract money and good luck, especially when placed in the career sector of your home or office. The five leaves on the money tree symbolize the five Feng Shui elements of wood, water, fire, metal, and earth.

Feng Shui-
Table-top Fountain

To bring in cash flow, place a Table Fountain in the career sector of your home or office. Wood or bamboo fountains are especially auspicious.

Feng Shui Dragon
Be blessed by the good fortune that comes with the Feng Shui dragon and enjoy prosperity, power, goodness, transformation and good health. Place the dragon (with a pearl in hand -- wood type) on the right hand side of your desk facing towards the window or the door. Dragons symbolize the masculine energy, "Yang" and are a source of activity and creativity. *The dragon can also be placed on your desk, looking into a table fountain.

Feng Shui- Laughing Buddha 

To enhance your life with blessings, harmony, happiness, health, longevity, prosperity, success and financial gains, place a Laughing Buddha on a table at your entrance facing the main door, or place it on a table in your living room, family room or office. The Laughing Buddha is considered as a deity of abundance. *Don't place in the bathroom or kitchen.

*To draw money and many good things into your life, place Green Jade Stones into your mail box to attract success and many lucky opportunities.

*To symbolize a river of opportunities flowing into your home or business, put a Black or Blue Rug at your front door.

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